
As of 2014 I am available for commissions for eBook covers, print book covers, and graphical design/technical work.

eBook Covers

Suitable for any electronic publishing, a standard eBook cover is usually 1-2 pieces of artwork taken from stock image sites with a title, author name, tagline and subtitle. Other details are available on request.

I charge approximately $40 USD per hour for eBook covers, plus the cost of the stock art. I can usually do a simple cover in 1-2 hours. The typical cover request involves a bit of back and forth about the requirements, then a draft is presented. Since the draft requires approval it is usually created using the low-resolution, watermarked images provided by stock image sites.

Changes, tweaks, and adjustments are not billed at this point, and I generally allow three substantial changes before that time is considered billable (if, after three goes, I can't get close to what you want, you may want to consider looking elsewhere). Unless a short timeline is specifically requested, I also allow a 24 hour cooling off period after I accept the commission, during which time either party may withdraw without any billing.

Once the draft is approved, any final changes are made, the cover art is purchased, and final draft(s) are presented. At this point the invoice is sent out along with the final copy. All covers have a 30 day warranty for small changes, although larger changes (including image changes) are billable.

A standard cover is 6"x9", 300 DPI, but other dimensions are available on request.

Print Book Covers

As above, but for print. The standard print cover is 5"x8" on the front and back, with the spine width varying with the page count. I can produce a mockup without an exact page count, but it typically takes me half an hour to adjust a cover if the page count changes. Again, much the same procedure is followed, including 30 day warranty.

A standard ebook cover is 5"x8" front and back, with an 8" high spine, 300 DPI.

Graphical Design/Technical Work

For graphical design or architectural/engineering work I typically charge $50-$75 USD per hour depending on the technical requirements of the task. Consultation, sketching, spec. analysis and other work are typically not billed, nor are simple mockups, as long as such work does not exceed one hour. As with all my work, there's a 24 hour cooling off period where you can withdraw the work request for no charge. The project comes with a 30 day warranty, where minor alterations after delivery can be done without charge, as long as the total work doesn't exceed one hour. Modifications after that period come at the standard rate.

Corporate and Legal Information

For the purposes of commissions, my legal full name is David Monk Fraser Adams. For privacy reasons, a mailing address, ABN and telephone contact number are available on request. Email may be sent to dave at Please not that as I am living in Australia, sometimes email may not be answered for 24 hours. My Skype username is davidmonkfraseradams.